57 Dogs Brutally Slain in Arkansas

57 Dogs Brutally Slain in Arkansas


IDA Adds to $8,000 Reward to Convict Killer(s)

On December 22, we acted in conjunction with our Mississippi based Justice for Animals Coalition in announcing a $2,000 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the person or persons who fed as many as 63 dogs hot dogs containing sleeping pills and then callously shot them with a .22 caliber weapon.

It was on Thursday, Oct. 17th that foresters entering a remote forested area of Searcy County, Arkansas happened on the grim scene of 57 dead dogs, an injured dog, and six other dogs cowering in fear. This heinous crime took place off of Hwy. 254 in the Chimes-Trace Ridge Area south of Marshall , where the dogs were believed to have been brought to be massacred.

Arkansas was the 46th state to pass a felony anti-cruelty to animals law, which hopefully will allow a substantial punishment to occur, should the perpetrator(s) be apprehended . The penalty is up to a $10,000 fine and up to six years in jail. While sadly this law only protects dogs, cats, and horses, it is at least a start in the right direction, and can help in this instance of extreme animal cruelty.

Our new Justice for Animals Coalition is taking root in Mississippi. Through our Hope Animal Sanctuary, IDA has been a leader in investigating hundreds of cruelty reports, rescuing thousands of abused and neglected animals, and successfully seeing scores of abusers prosecuted in our 24 years in the region.

Read our press release here.