Act Now to End China's Yulin Dog Meat Festival!

Act Now to End China's Yulin Dog Meat Festival!


China’s infamous Yulin Dog Meat Festival is set to begin June 21. Thousands of dogs and cats will be crammed into cages, tortured and killed, all for human consumption. Some will be snatched from loving homes. The “festival” garners national and international condemnation, yet millions of dogs and cats endure the same extreme cruelty throughout each year.

As awareness grows among the Chinese public, so does the outrage that family companions are being stolen for their meat by organized crime gangs. The public is also learning that meat from family animals poses a serious risk to human health, including exposure to illnesses such as rabies and cholera.

China’s National People’s Congress NPC deputy, Zheng Xiaohe, has made a significant step forward by proposing a ban on the entire dog and cat meat trade within China! Even better news is that the proposal quickly received the support of two million Chinese citizens.

China’s move to ditch dog and cat meat is historic and we must support it.

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