Ask Hawaii Tourism Authority to Save Cats from Massacre

Ask Hawaii Tourism Authority to Save Cats from Massacre


A few weeks ago, we told you about a pack of wild dogs running in the streets of Lahaina, Hawaii on the island of Maui at night killing cats, chickens, and small dogs. Tourists visiting the area are heartbroken by the violence, neglect, and abuse of community cats and other animals on the island, frequently calling on 9th Life Hawaii, a local cat rescue, to report atrocities that they witness.

Not all free-roaming community cats on Maui are true feral cats. Some are abandoned or neglected cats, while others are someone’s outdoor animal companion. Truly feral cats are domesticated cats who have reverted to a wild state or who are the descendants of abandoned domesticated cats. They are terrified of people and do their best to hide or run from them. It is ideal if people have as little interaction with truly feral cats as possible and for them to be sterilized, vaccinated, and returned to their colonies.

Click here to read more and take action.

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