Ban Lion Hunting in Zambia!

Ban Lion Hunting in Zambia!


Recently, the Government of Zambia lifted a ban on lion hunting in its country, which could result in up to 24 lions being killed throughout 2016. This horrific, disgusting and disappointing decision, announced by the Zambian Minister of Tourism and Arts, Jean Kapata, was made before Cecil the lion had been gunned down last year in Zimbabwe.

In an attempt to mask this cruel act and make it seem more “sustainable,” the new hunting limit restricts the killing to older lions and male lions, suggesting that the older lions have no reproductive value, and that because of this, they have no value at all as individuals. Trying to devalue any animal at any age or for his or her gender is just simply wrong. The value that every individual lion has to a pride is significant on a social and emotional level as well as a biological one and impacts the rest of the pride’s survival when a member dies.

Besides the hunting limits, Zambia has no conservation plan for lions and the population count of lions in the country varies greatly depending on the source. Without any conclusive information on lion populations, how can the heinous act of hunting even be considered?

Speak out now, to not only save the lives of these 24 lions, but to ultimately save the lion population as a whole in Zambia!

Click here to read more and take action.