Boknal Days are Coming...

Boknal Days are Coming...


Boknal Days Are Coming

There isn’t much time, so let’s get right to the point.

As foretold by the lunar calendar, the hottest days of the year are drawing near.

Boknal Days of South Korea are coming.

That’s when the torture and crude slaughter of dogs begins, murders that go on for nearly an entire month.

These scared, sentient creatures will be smuggled in staggering numbers to makeshift butchers by the sweltering, stacked-high truckload so their meat can be sold for Boknal Days soups and “health” tonics.

Starting in less than 13 weeks they will be hanged, boiled, beaten, electrocuted, and burned to death for the profit in their flesh and bones during this year’s bloody atrocities.

We are asking for your urgent help now.

Please consider contributing as little as $10 for your Boknal Days donation, to help IDA document, expose and hopefully end as much of the midsummer dog slaughter as possible.

Your support will put IDA boots on-site BEFORE the slaughter begins.

For more than ten years, the trust and generosity of our supporters has funded IDA’s fight to end Asian’s entrenched dog and cat meat trade.

With your help we’ve achieved significant results: public pressure inside South Korea is mounting to stop this despicable trade. And the illegal dog meat is feeling the pinch.

We are so grateful for your generosity and conviction to this point, and hope that you will find a way to act fast, right now, by donating whatever you possibly can.

We realize this is a tall request. The staggering scope of the Boknal Days slaughter means we are asking you to put your courage and your hard-earned money behind a battle in which we will not emerge 100% victorious. The killings witnessed last year during our investigation in South Korea are etched into our collective consciousness — the questioning faces of those dogs we couldn’t save, their anguished cries pouring out into the night. Your donation of $10 now, or more if you can spare it, WILL make a difference. And please, after you give, keep us in your heart as we touchdown for Boknal Days.

Click here to donate.

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Rally Against Rodenticides