Boknal Dog-Killing Days Will Be Here Soon

Boknal Dog-Killing Days Will Be Here Soon

Boknal Dog-Killing Days Will Be Here Soon

Time marches inexorably forward, and the Boknal Days of South Korea are fast approaching.

We are so deeply honored that so many of you have pledged your hard earned support to ensure that when that time arrives, In Defense of Animals will be there; on the ground and on the scene.

Thank you so very much for the generous outpouring of support for our efforts to end this annual festival of suffering and slaughter. Each year in the sweltering summer heat, dogs and cats are mercilessly tortured and killed so that a mythical ‘tonic’ can be brewed which will supposedly enable people to better weather the summer heat.

Your help means so much to us as we wage an inspired battle over outdated cultural norms and values. Sadly, the casualties in this fight will be the innocent and voiceless dogs and cats who are cruelly slaughtered each year for this traditional ‘health tonic’ whose only value is the perpetuation of an inhumane and atrocious superstition.

The pressure is mounting in opposition to this antiquated and unnecessary practice and you have been with us every step of the way. Your support of this visionary campaign puts you on the right side of history as we prepare to once more stand and face down years of customs and folklore. On the ground and with our supporters beside us we cannot lose!

If you have not already done so,  please consider making a generous contribution today to ensure that In Defense of Animals will have an unmistakable and lasting impact on this year’s bloody Boknal atrocities.

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Boknal Days are Coming...