How You Can Prevent Mass Extinctions

How You Can Prevent Mass Extinctions


It seems like it’s almost every day we are reminded that humanity is causing extinctions of other species at an accelerating rate. It can feel like an overwhelming problem, but we have the power to help prevent mass extinction. Here’s how.

Researchers recently published a study that found, “Larger marine animals [are] at higher risk of extinction, and humans are to blame.” They also noted, “…On land, there is evidence that ancient humans were responsible for the massacre of mammoths and other megafauna across the globe. ‘We see this over and over again,’ Heim said. ‘Humans enter into a new ecosystem, and the largest animals are killed off first.”

We can reduce, even stop extinctions if enough of us make better choices. This is how In Defense of Animals wins victories for animals – through you and with your support.

When you join us to oppose whale and dolphin captivity everywhere, and refuse to pay for captive horrors at the SeaWorlds and Miami Seaquariums of the world, you spread awareness and understanding while making animal suffering unprofitable. Unlike those aquariums, we can teach others that captivity is wrong and an unjustifiable basis for our relationship with wild animals. Instead we work to inform people that animals belong in the ecosystems where they evolved to be, and can only be complete as part of their habitat.

When we advocate closing elephant exhibits in zoos and ask your help, we address the fact that zoos are siphoning hundreds of millions of dollars in loans, donations, and grants from the public to expand captivity instead of protecting wild populations in Africa and Asia to prevent extinctions. Elephants don’t have to be in zoos in order for us to help them.

Our lifestyles can support and make room for all other life on Earth. One reason we encourage veganism is because human population growth coupled with animal agriculture is the number one cause of animal extinctions and the greatest cause of global warming that is directly under our control. You can make a huge positive impact to stop mass extinctions by making better meal choices – download our guide today.

You have incredible power to make change and create justice by opposing captivity, reducing threats like extinctions to wildlife, and prevent harms from global warming through the choices we make many times a day. Join us, support us with a donation, and share this post.


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