Dogs and Cats Sterilized at HAS

Dogs and Cats Sterilized at HAS


Simply put, the best decision any guardian can make for animal companions is to opt to have them spayed or neutered as early as possible. Shelters across the country routinely kill 3.7 million adoptable animals each and every year because there are just not enough willing adopters matched up with animals needing homes. This also comes at a wasteful cost to tax payers measured in billions of dollars. Unwanted animals are a very real concern in many places throughout the United States as populations of feral dogs and cats can sometimes be perceived as a public nuisance and rounded up and killed. By having your companion animals sterilized, you can make 100% sure that you will not be adding to this tremendous and tragic situation.

Every month, In Defense of Animals’ Hope Animal Sanctuary has spay and neuter procedures performed on 20 to 30 adoptable dogs, cats, kittens, and puppies. Ensuring that our adoptable animals are sterilized before they find their forever homes means that cats and dogs who leave our sanctuary can enjoy an increased lifespan of up to five years. Altered animals are also at low to no risk for several types of tumors and cancers associated with their reproductive systems. Survey data shows that 85% of dogs who get hit by cars are unaltered. Spay and neutering procedures reduce or altogether eliminate the roaming instinct in dogs and cats which makes them less likely to be exposed to fights with other animals and other similar mishaps.

Practice and promote good guardian values; have your animal companions spayed or neutered.