Ending the Dog Meat Industry, for All Animals

Ending the Dog Meat Industry, for All Animals


While working to end the dog meat industry, we are often given the excuse of culture. It is a tradition and part of Korean culture to eat dogs. We at IDA not only reject this as a valid reason to eat dogs, but also any other animal with whom we share our planet. It does not logically follow that simply because a country, society or culture has allowed the mistreatment of one species in years past that it should continue into modern day. However, categorizing animals into those loved, those hunted and those eaten happens throughout the world, in every country. The only difference is that often animals are categorized differently depending on human boundaries.

Some refer to this as speciesism, Melanie Joy, author of “Why We Love Dogs, Eat Pigs, and Wear Cows,” has designated this ideology as carnism. It “rests on the belief that eating meat is normal, natural and necessary.” The normalizing of eating animals begins early and continues throughout one’s life and places individuals choosing not to participate as the outsiders or abnormal entities. Denial also plays a large role in continuing the status quo as “most people would not willingly harm animals.”

Joy points to the latest idea of “humane meat” as a perfect example. “Most of us would consider it cruel to kill a six-month-old happy, healthy golden retriever just because her thighs taste good. We would never say, ‘The dog had a good life, so it’s OK to kill and eat her.’”

Although carnism is currently part of every culture in every country, there is hope. It need not persist. Cultures evolve and change. As do the individuals within such boundaries. We are currently seeing a shift in Korea as the younger generations embrace dogs as family members and inevitably shun the brutal dog meat industry as a leftover from the past. As we continue to fight to end the dog meat industry within Korea, we also hope that the larger international community is jarred enough by the concept of eating dogs to perhaps reconsider their own ideals and what animals may be on their plate.

As Joy states, “When people of conscience become aware of injustice, they speak out and they stand up for what’s right and they often choose to be conscientious objectors. History shows us again and again: People demand change when they become aware of oppression.”

Please consider making a generous tax-deductible donation today to help IDA put an end to the cruel dog and cat meat trade. With your support we will continue to fight, not only for the dogs suffering within the dog meat industry, but for all animals.
Thank you for standing with us.