Factory-Farmed Soy Tastes Just Like Meat

Factory-Farmed Soy Tastes Just Like Meat


Factory-Farmed Soy Tastes Just Like Meat

Vegetarians can finally enjoy the taste of meat with Greenwood Farms’ new “Nature’s Way” meatless products. According to Greenwood Farms, eighty percent of taste test participants couldn’t tell the difference between their products and regular meat. The secret to “Nature’s Way” authentic and mouthwatering taste is not in the ingredients, but in how the soy plants are raised.

Crammed into dark crowded conditions, neglected and abused since seedlings, these soy plants are infused with the delicious taste that only institutionalized cruelty can produce. The confined and windowless facility severely restricts the plant’s natural movement, ensuring that all of its available energy is put into producing larger beans. To enhance their growth, the plants are pumped full of antibiotics and hormones. Eventually, the stem of the plant becomes too weak to support the growing beans, and the plant collapses. Michael Latimer, Greenwood Farms marketing director, cites this as proof that “his company’s products are the most authentically meat-like on the market.”

Plants are packed stem-to-stem in layers of waste and rotting leaves. Disease runs rampant in the filthy conditions. At the tender age of 45 days, the beans are separated from their pods and jammed into trailers where many are crushed. They are unloaded at the processing facility where they are rushed through the processing as quickly as possible. Many of them are still alive when they are ground up.

According to Latimer, the key is to treat the soy plants with as little regard for their well-being as possible. “That’s a difference you can taste,” he says. And thanks to Greenwood Farms, meat eaters aren’t the only ones that get to enjoy that special factory farm taste.

Fortunately for the soybean plants, the farm depicted above doesn’t exist. This satirical article by the Onion highlights the incredibly short and painful lives experienced by factory farmed animals. In a report cited by Mother Jones, one of the most common reasons meat eaters give for not wanting to forego meat is the “nice” taste of meat. However, as the Onion illustrates through the “plight” of the soybeans, the meat industry is based on cruelty and exploitation. When we realize the extent of the suffering involved in putting meat on our plates, then the “nice” taste is suddenly not so nice.

Read the Onion’s well-crafted article here

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