Fur Farming Ruled to End in the Netherlands by 2024

Fur Farming Ruled to End in the Netherlands by 2024


On November 10, 2015, the Dutch court ruled in favor of a country wide fur farming ban which was previously overturned in 2014. This is a great success story for mink in the future because nearly six million mink are killed every year in the Netherlands alone. However, heartless fur farmers are still unwilling to give up the fight.

A spokesman for the Fur Farmers Association (NFE) reacted to the outcome of the ban by stating “We have already said that we will pursue this case to the bitter end”. This comment comes in relation to fur farmers saying that they will be taking this decision to the high court.

It is stated that the nearly ten year transitional gap in ending the fur farming is to help with compensation for farmers who will have to close down their operations. While a great victory for future mink, there will still be so many lives lived in revolting, painful conditions, with a brutal death at the end. Those mink, and the ones who died before them will never be compensated.

Based on simple mathematics, with the transition of fur farming taking nearly nine years, and with the calculation that mink killers will continue to rip off pelts at six million per year, this time frame could mean that up to fifty-four million more mink could be killed by the time the last farm closes down in 2024.

Fifty-four million lives.

We hope that this ruling will pave the way for other countries to ban fur farming and at a much faster pace!

Read more about the success story here and here.