The “Ghost” Kingfisher is Found and Then Killed

The “Ghost” Kingfisher is Found and Then Killed


First and Possibly Last Picture Taken of a Male Moustached Kingfisher Alive

In the Solomon Islands, an incredibly rare male moustached kingfisher has been caught and then killed by Christopher Filardi of the American Museum of Natural History. As a “scientist”, he claims that this was standard practice, but we know his actions are archaic and cruel!

The moustached kingfisher has been rarely seen throughout time. Filardi explains that the birds have been “described by a single female specimen in the 1920s, two more females brought to collectors by local hunters in the early 1950s, and only glimpsed in the wild once.” Furthermore, he states that, “Scientists have never observed a male. Its voice and habits are poorly known. Given its history of eluding detection, realistic hopes of finding the bird were slim.”

So how does this “scientist” repay seeing the sight of the male kingfisher for the first time? He and his cohorts did this by catching their poor victim in a mist net then they “euthanized” him (note that he was not previously suffering and in need of relief) under the guise that the killing of one bird “could” lead to saving many birds. Is Christopher Filardi willing to give up his own life because it “could” help other humans? We didn’t think so. If he’s not willing to die for the benefit of his own species, what makes him think it is okay to take the life of someone else for the “potential benefit” of a likely (due to him) extinct species? There is no justification.

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