It’s happening!

It’s happening!


You can feel it coming closer, like the air before just before a thunderstorm, alive and full of energy.

That is the sensation that is gaining strength and momentum throughout Asia as the cruel and bloody dog and cat meat markets are one by one closing their doors for good. Demand for dog and cat meat has come under renewed scrutiny and criticism throughout all of Asia. Cultural sea-changes are awakening people’s perceptions to the idea that all animals are individuals who feel pain and loss, who suffer and die at our hands in numbers so vast as to be uncountable, all for the sake of outdated customs and superstitions. The tide is slowly turning.

Plans and actions we once only dreamed of being made possible are now currently underway. We are placing undercover investigators in prime locations in order to gather more evidence to bring this issue to the front of the world stage. Legislative battles are already in motion that will close the deadly legal loopholes that have allowed this barbaric practice to exist in the fringes and the shadows. We now stand arm in arm with caring and compassionate individuals all over the globe who have demanded change, who have demanded that the world shine a light on this outdated and monstrous custom.

If you have not already done so please consider making a generous tax deductible donation today and join the fight to end this cruel and shameful practice.