Help Lonely Lucy the Elephant in Canada

Help Lonely Lucy the Elephant in Canada


Ask the Alberta Government to NOT RENEW the Edmonton Valley Zoo’s permit.

The Edmonton Valley Zoo in Alberta is the sad home of Lucy, an Asian elephant who lives in solitary confinement in one of the coldest cities in Canada. Lucy suffers from foot disease, arthritis, and an undiagnosed respiratory condition that is causing a narrowing of the airway passages in her trunk. Lucy now apparently wheezes when she breathes, forcing her to breathe only through her mouth, which, according to the vet that examined her, is “totally abnormal” for an elephant.

Captivity itself is also totally abnormal for elephants – especially for an Asian elephant designed by evolution for a tropical climate, but forced to breathe sub-zero air for six months of the year.

The Edmonton Valley Zoo continuously fails to meet Alberta’s Zoo Standards, and has been on In Defense of Animals’ annual Ten Worst Zoos for Elephants List for the last five years consecutively.

Lucy now has a chance. On March 31, the Edmonton Valley Zoo’s permit is up for renewal.

Click here to take action.





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