Helping our Activist Community

Helping our Activist Community


Do you want to persuade people to change their perceptions and their actions to create positive change in the world? Join us for a Sustainable Activism Webinar with vegan activist and marketing specialist Lorrin Maughan on Winning Friends and Influencing People – Strategies for Effective Activism on Thursday, March 3, 5:00 – 6:00 p.m. PST (or watch the replay). Drawing from the world of marketing and public relations, we will learn how to be effective advocates for our cause.

Register Now!

Show your support and connect with other participants on the Facebook event page.

Lorrin Maughan is a vegan activist, Reiki Master and life coach whose former corporate career included, among other things, sales and consumer marketing for Fortune 100 companies. She now works with individuals facing burnout and helps them to reconnect with their passion for building a better world using methods that enable them to continue making a difference in positive, healthy and sustainable ways. Lorrin coaches by phone and Skype, and also offers in-person equine-guided experiences in partnership with Gift, a talented equine coach and healer.

Many thanks to author, professor, and activist Lisa Kemmerer, who discussed Ecofeminism during our February webinar! Watch a replay here.

For information about these webinars, please contact Lisa Levinson at

Sustainable Activism Webinars are part of In Defense of Animals’ Sustainable Activism Campaign, offering emotional resources and self-care tools for animal activists via workshops, webinars, online gatherings, support groups, and retreats:

The Animal Activist Community Needs Your Help! Participate in Activist Research Study

Are you an animal activist who has experienced activist burnout? Members of IDA’s Council of Sustainable Activism Dallas Rising and Paul Gorski, along with Stacy Lopresti-Goodman, seek people to interview for a study on activist burnout among animal rights and animal liberation activists. They are looking to identify symptoms and causes of burnout, as well as the strategies activists use to sustain themselves.

Join the study if you…

1. Currently participate in any form of animal rights or animal liberation activism
2. Experienced one more of these conditions due to your participation in animal rights or animal liberation activism: (a) long-term (rather than occasional) and debilitating physical health problems that threatened your ability to continue your activism, (b) long-term and debilitating psychological or emotional health problems that threatened your ability to continue your activism, or (c) long-term and debilitating loss of hope that threatened your ability to continue your activism; AND
3. Found strategies for recovering from burnout in order to stay engaged in or reengage in your activism.

Researchers will conduct roughly 60-minute interviews either in person, through Skype/FaceTime, or over the phone, about the nature of your activism, your experiences with burnout, and how you have managed to remain engaged in activism despite the threat of burnout.

If you meet these criteria and are willing to participate or have any questions, please email Paul Gorski at

Your anonymity will be protected throughout the research study.

Please share this invitation with people or networks of people who might be interested. By learning how to sustain activists, we can find ways to strengthen our movement!