Horrifying Dog Meat Trade in Paradise

Horrifying Dog Meat Trade in Paradise


Beyond Indonesia’s Tropical Paradises Lurks Torture and Death for Dogs

As a premiere holiday destination, Indonesia conjures up images of white sand beaches, turquoise waters and all the other elements that make a tropical paradise. Beyond the surface, however, lurks a dark side of rampant animal cruelty and a widespread dog meat trade.

The cruelty surrounding the dog meat trade in Indonesia is one we’ve heard over and over throughout Asia. The dogs (and other animals as well) are crammed into metal cages without food or water. Each animal witnesses other victims being dragged out, clubbed repeatedly and blowtorched, many times while still alive. While eating dog meat is legal in Indonesia, this gruesome cruelty, which often takes place in open markets, has many Indonesians and the international community up in arms.

While such cruelty is enough for many people to oppose such practices, Indonesia’s government has recently only taken an interest due to serious disease transmission concerns that surround the dog meat trade. Among others, rabies is a serious threat throughout the region. This was brought to the forefront as Jakarta and Surakarta were recently designated as the areas consuming the most dog flesh according to the Jakarta Marine and Agriculture Agency.

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