Inspiring Community Leaders

Inspiring Community Leaders


In Defense of Animals’ Justice for Animals Campaign has been busy with vigils and meetings to advance our legislative efforts, and we were also invited to five Grenada and Winona, Mississippi clubs to share our mission.

While speaking engagements may not be the direct action most of us would like to be involved in,  a captive audience with only the vaguest idea of what they will hear can transform  into a room full of surprised and inquisitive people who begin to latch on to every spoken word .  Our message of compassion and protection for fellow beings is irresistible to thinking and kind people and we should never discount the long term impact.

People who thought they were just politely listening to just another guest speaker can experience an epiphanies days later, or even weeks or months after hearing penetrating statements that suddenly ring true in their lives.  There are motivational speakers who reap a significant income from touring with their message.  Why not present as many audiences as you possibly can with one of the purest truths there is – that there is no excuse for deliberately inflicting pain or fear on any being and that compassion should be the mark of any truly civilized society anywhere, anytime.

Community clubs are usually composed of shakers and makers.  Even if they don’t ask for a t-shirt to wear, don’t sign up to join in your efforts, and may never contact you again, they most assuredly are the people of influence in their community.  Your words might very well influence  them to lead others into a new and compassionate mode of operation.

Please join In Defense of Animals’ Justice for Animals Campaign efforts in your preferred way  of action with your style of effectiveness for our fellow animals.