Korean Dog Meat Farmer Gives Up Dogs

Korean Dog Meat Farmer Gives Up Dogs


In a happy story out of South Korea last month, one dog meat farmer has agreed to give up his dogs. More than that, he’s agreed to stop farming dogs entirely.

These dogs narrowly escaped their filthy cages and torturous end. Transported to the United States, they will now have the opportunity to be adopted and become beloved family members as all dogs should.

While such rescues are extremely costly and come with a variety of challenges, the hope is that this one farmer’s actions will inspire others to follow suit. Times are changing. Many Koreans have welcomed dogs into their homes and are now speaking out against the archaic and cruel dog meat trade. It is time to empty the cages and take dog meat (and all animal flesh for that matter) off the table.

IDA will continue the fight, standing alongside caring Koreans, until the dog meat industry is a thing of the past.

Read more here.

Image: Getty Images: A Korean dog that was rescued earlier this year – already being looked after in San Francisco.