Marin Slaughterhouse Public Hearing Update

Marin Slaughterhouse Public Hearing Update


A huge thank you to everyone who voiced their opposition to a newly proposed development code which would allow slaughterhouses to operate in Marin County, California.

Approximately 80 people attended the public hearing, the majority of whom were on the side opposing the development code. Staffer Melissa Flower spoke on behalf of In Defense of Animals to voice our opposition. Many outstanding advocates spoke, including representatives from United Poultry Concerns, The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, Dharma for Animals, SaveABunny, and over two dozen individuals.

Every crucial point regarding animal cruelty, the cost to the environment, and community health and safety was made eloquently and comprehensively, with the simple and driving theme being that Marin County should be moving only in the direction of eliminating animal agriculture and transitioning to sustainable plant crops.

We’ll be sure to update you on the outcome once the planning commission has reached a final decision. Thank you for caring!

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