Mass Wolf Killing by Mad Scientists

Mass Wolf Killing by Mad Scientists


Demand an Ethics Review in Alberta, Canada!

It is well-known that oil and gas, and logging industries are causing habitat destruction and with that, the further decline of the already endangered woodland caribou in Alberta, Canada. However, in a horrific seven-year long “study,” a group of scientists deliberately massacred hundreds of wolves with the most brutal methods—aerial gunning and painful poisoning (strychnine)—to see if these actions would boost the endangered Little Smoky woodland caribou population.

579 wolves gunned down from helicopters, and 154 wolves and 180 other animals torturously poisoned in the name of “conservation”

Researchers Dave Hervieux, Mark Hebblewhite, Dave Stepnisky, Michelle Bacon, and Stan Boutin conducted the study, for which a total of 733 wolves were deliberately gunned down or poisoned, while an additional known 91 ravens, 36 coyotes, 31 foxes, 8 marten, 6 lynx, 4 weasels, and 4 fishers also fell victim to the researchers’ choice of strychnine-laced baits.

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