It's a Miracle That Masti is Alive

It's a Miracle That Masti is Alive


It was a stroke of luck that two IDA India management team staffers happened to spot a tiny kitten running for his life across lanes of approaching traffic, with a motorcycle just missing him by inches! They immediately pulled to a stop from the opposite side of the road and bravely jumped out to try to rescue him. With their hearts pounding, they moved toward him, dodging the speeding traffic. He suddenly darted under their car and, in a matter of a second, had jumped up on one wheel.

With the help of some nearby kids, they were able to extricate him and take him quickly to safety and into foster care. Masti, (meaning naughty in Hindi), is proving to be a veritable jumping bean; he won’t sit still for a minute. He darts around the room, behind and up the curtain, behind and over the computer, on to the keyboard, and after all the paper balls thrown for him. He has collected these balls and keeps in a private corner.

The only time he is still is when he sits on the window sill (window tightly shut, of course) gazing at the view through the glass. The staff did grab a few brief moments of calm when he sat for his photo shoot at the IDA India Center; maybe he loved the gold pillows. All of us at IDA are thrilled to know he is safe, fighting fit, and more than ready for adoption!

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