No New Dolphin Abusement Park!

No New Dolphin Abusement Park!


New Wild-Caught Dolphin Facility Slated for Da Nang, Vietnam

Last month, plans were approved to build an entertainment center that will include a performance area for wild-caught dolphins as well as seals and sea lions in the heart of the city of Da Nang, Vietnam.

Da Nang is a major city with over 1 million inhabitants. It is a popular tourist destination that prides itself on being environmentally aware. In the past, this progressive city has not been afraid to decline projects that might damage the local environment and city sustainability, making it all the more surprising that it would approve plans for a dolphinarium. Using cetaceans as entertainment is an outdated way of thinking and will jeopardize Da Nang’s hard-won environmental reputation.

Dolphins suffer greatly in captivity. In the wild, they can travel 30 miles or more every day through complex and ever-changing environments. They live in a world rich with sounds and stimulations and they use complex and novel methods to capture prey, while developing strong, life-long bonds with family members. They live engaging and fulfilling lives in the wild. All of these rich life experiences are ripped away when dolphins are kept in small pools and forced to constantly interact with humans. More and more people around the world are beginning to realize the problems inherent with keeping wild animals in captivity. This is why companies such as SeaWorld have experienced a massive decline in stock prices and ticket sales in recent years.

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