Meet Rex, a Baby Chick Who Was Destined for the Grinding Machine

Meet Rex, a Baby Chick Who Was Destined for the Grinding Machine

Meet Rex, a Baby Chick Who Was Destined for the Grinding Machine

Each year, millions of male chicks just like Rex are killed shortly after birth by being suffocated in trash bags, gassed, or thrown alive into grinding machines. Unable to lay eggs, these helpless animals are deemed worthless by the egg industry.

Like other birds, Rex enjoys foraging, sunbathing, and exploring. Yet, over 95% of the eggs produced in the United States come from chickens confined to battery cages where they spend their entire lives, unable to move around or even stretch their wings. Broiler chickens suffer similarly miserable conditions, crammed into filthy warehouses with thousands of other birds.

Overcrowded, and deprived of everything that is natural to them, pecking becomes a common method of coping with the unbearable stress. As a result, the painful procedure of de-beaking —slicing off half of their sensitive, nerve-filled beaks — is standard practice on most farms.

Laying hens are considered "used up" or (as the industry terms them) "spent" when their egg production declines after just two years, at which point they are sent to slaughter for cheap meat. Broiler (meat) chickens live even shorter lives, being killed at a mere 45 days old.

Rex was one of the lucky ones who is now living freely at a sanctuary, but all of the millions of others born into today’s cruel food production system will never know any human kindness. All of us can play an active role in ending their suffering. We have so many every-day opportunities to choose compassion for animals. In fact, we have an opportunity to choose compassion every time we sit down to eat. Whether making a sandwich, or baking a cake, all of our favorite foods can be made cruelty-free. Next time you’re at the supermarket, be sure to pick up some Morningstar Farms Chik’n Strips or Gardein Classic Style Buffalo Wings, and for super simple egg-free baking tips, download our free Veg Starter Guide today!