One Ton of Rotten Meat, Including Dog and Cat Meat Intercepted in Vietnam

One Ton of Rotten Meat, Including Dog and Cat Meat Intercepted in Vietnam

One Ton of Rotten Meat, Including Dog and Cat Meat Intercepted in Vietnam

A tour bus transporting one ton of rotting flesh was intercepted last week in Vietnam. Along with various animal organs were the bodies of many cats and dogs, five to six crammed into each container.

When questioned, the bus driver informed authorities that he was paid to transport the dead animals from Danang to restaurants in Thai Binh Province. This rotten flesh would have then been served to people. Clearly, the dog and cat meat trade is just as much of a human health issue as it is an animal issue.

Adding another layer of misery, many of these dogs and cats were most likely family pets stolen from their homes to supply the cruel dog and cat meat trade. It is time for it to end. We commend the Thanh Hoa police,individuals from the departments of economic crimes and anti-smuggling, and all others who worked to intercept this shipment.

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