Operation Glass Walls - Launched!

Operation Glass Walls - Launched!

Operation Glass Walls – Launched!

It’s a subject few of us want to think about, but it’s a harsh reality for billions of animals.

In the United States and across the globe, farmed animals and slaughterhouse workers are often hidden from the public eye, shielded behind private walls and isolated in remote locations.

Undercover footage regularly reveals shocking animal cruelty in animal farming factories and slaughterhouses. The meat industry usually responds by condemning its workers, and assuring the public that those involved will be punished. Thus, instead of the abuse being acknowledged as standard practice, and real changes being sought to rectify the abuse, each case is treated as an “isolated incident”.

These mixed messages leave many of us wondering who to trust and what to believe.

So what really happens in an everyday slaughterhouse?

In Defense of Animals is tearing down the wall of secrecy, and informing the public by asking the workers themselves.

Stay tuned on Facebook and Twitter for real life testimonies, as we uncover the shocking truth…