Protect Farmed Animals Suffering at Cruel Research Facilities

Protect Farmed Animals Suffering at Cruel Research Facilities


Protect Farmed Animals Suffering at Cruel Research Facilities

Did you know that the Animal Welfare Act provides ZERO protection for farmed animals? This is because the law currently defines acceptable treatment of animals according to their use rather than their capacity to suffer.

Right now, you have an opportunity to help pass an important piece of legislation for farmed animals, ‘The Animal Welfare in Agricultural Research Endeavors Act’; H.R. 746/S. 388. If passed, this act would extend the federal Animal Welfare Act to include cows, pigs, sheep, and other animals at federal agriculture research facilities.

The exemption of farmed animals from current legislation has led to horrific abuses. Last year,  the U.S. Meat Animal Research Center was exposed in an investigative report in the New York Times. Heinous cruelty at the Center is said to include: locking pigs in steam chambers until they died; breeding calves born with “deformed vaginas” and tangled legs; and leaving lambs abandoned by their mothers in pastures to die of exposure or starvation.

This is horrific and totally unacceptable.

Passing The Animal Welfare in Agricultural Research Endeavors Act is an important first step in recognizing that farmed animals are no different to any other species in their capacity to suffer.

Click here to take action.