Pups Rescued From a Ditch

Pups Rescued From a Ditch

On November 11, 2014, our staff at Hope Animal Sanctuary in Mississippi was notified about a Facebook post concerning 14 puppies living in a ditch. The person posting was asking for immediate help. Sadly, she did not know the exact location of the puppies and with temperatures predicted to be in the low 20′s that night and also for the next several nights, we knew this was truly urgent.

By mid morning of the 12th, we had found the location of the puppies and we made arrangements to rescue them. With help from caring members of the public, we retrieved the puppies and immediately placed them in three different foster homes. These five-week old puppies stayed with their foster homes until late December when all of these precious babies went to their forever homes. Happily, they will never sleep in a ditch again.

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