A Quest to Save the Soul of the Ocean

A Quest to Save the Soul of the Ocean


For many years, In Defense of Animals has blazed a trail – identifying, exposing, and campaigning to make a better life for elephants confined and abused in circuses and zoos – and protecting them in the wild.

Most recently, we helped to end the Ringling Bros Circus’ incessant transport of elephants and the cruel and unnatural performances they were forced to endure (although we are still pursuing a true sanctuary for these elephants). We also contributed to successful legislative efforts to ban the sale of ivory and to cease the use of the archaic and painful bullhooks on captive elephants in various regions.

Now (tomorrow!) we are pleased to be able to do the same for whales and dolphins.  Tomorrow we will announce our first ever listing of the Ten Worst Tanks – facilities where whales and dolphins suffer in captivity, confined to swimming in endless circles, deprived of healthy environments and social groups and forced to endure invasive reproduction techniques, dangerous transport, and exploited through “swim” and “petting” programs in which their sociable nature is brutally exploited.

The work to get to this point has involved travel to tanks across North America, intensive review of government and veterinary records, and death reports, gathering of images, documentation of data and more. It was not an inexpensive undertaking. The investigation has taken the better part of the past twelve months.

Tomorrow the launch takes place. In Defense of Animals will be working tirelessly and expertly to create long overdue changes so these majestic, intelligent, and very social animals can live out their days in peace.

Please stand with us today by being as generous as you possibly can.

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Being a Responsible Guardian