The recent winter storms?

The recent winter storms?


We’ve weathered them!

With a lot of generous donations from our supporters, lots and lots of hard work, and a lot of good will and positive energy; horses have hay and blankets, dogs and cats have warm beds and food, animals who would have otherwise suffered and perhaps perished in the unrelenting cold of the season have been rescued and have thrived thanks to your support of IDA’s work. We’ve made it, this time, thanks to you!

Unfortunately, there is always another crisis or another emergency just around the corner. Cases of abuse and neglect continue to pile up. Our phones never stop ringing. Animals not just in the United States, but in the streets of Mumbai, India and in the jungles of Cameroon, Africa, and across the globe, the animals need us and need our voices and support. One of the main reasons In Defense of Animals has been fortunate enough to be able to not just weather the storm but to persevere, to rise to the challenges and face them head on is that so many of our dedicated supporters have also risen to the challenge and become Animal Advocates.

Animal Advocates is IDA’s monthly giving program. Using either your credit card or checking account, you can make a small monthly gift of just $5 a month (or whatever more you can spare) to IDA. For just about the cost of a cup of coffee on the go these days, Animal Advocates have made the monthly commitment to be a participant in the fight to end animal abuse and exploitation. It might not seem like much, but with so many caring and kind individuals out there it all adds up. Animal Advocates provides the most consistently reliable and the most effective funds for carrying out our mission. Our Animal Advocates are what lets IDA weather the storms that inevitably come each and every year. Thank you for all that you do.

If you are not already an Animal Advocate, please consider becoming one today.