Send a Love Letter to an Animal Activist

Send a Love Letter to an Animal Activist


Share the activist love with a fellow activist for Valentine’s Day

Kelly-and-pigLet’s share the activist love with organizations and individuals this Valentine’s Day, and with one activist in particular, right here! Animal activist, Kelly Lehman, was arrested for trying to stop fair-goers from abusing animals at the Ephrata Pig Chase. “It was one of the most violent and barbaric events I have ever had the displeasure of seeing in my life and I will never forget,” Kelly reflected in her blog. “I screamed because I had been traumatized by what I saw and I couldn’t take it anymore… One person steps into the ring to say ENOUGH to the violence and they get dragged off to the station?”

You can read Kelly’s account of the horrific event and her efforts to combat it on her blog and also a local newspaper’s account of her activism.

Kelly will spend this Valentine’s Day awaiting her trial for disorderly conduct. Please send the letter at the link below in support of her heroic efforts. Tell Kelly that we’re behind her all the way!

Click here to read more and to take action.