Shut Down the U.S. Meat Animal Research Center

Shut Down the U.S. Meat Animal Research Center


Located in the heart of the country, just 2 hours west of Lincoln, Nebraska is a little known branch of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) called The U.S. Meat Animal Research Center. This ‘research’ center has recently been exposed for horrifying experiments on animals raised for their flesh, and for being so inhumane that even the meat industry itself is rejecting the federal agency’s grisly methods and glaring lack of oversight.

In response to declining American meat consumption and in an attempt to bolster birth rates and increase factory farm profit margins, the research center conducts cruel experiments on up to 30,000 cows, pigs and sheep each year – heartless experiments that typically result in starvation, surgical mutilation and ghoulish genetic mutation. With death rates for baby and adult animals greater than THREE TIMES industry standards, mangled corpses are buried en masse in a place called the “Dead Pit.” Such practices are now flying in the face of a growing U.S. focus on “humane” meat.

This taxpayer-funded agency has lain inconspicuously on the Nebraska plains for nearly 50 years since Congress approved its existence. 50 years of systemic and institutionalized cruelty that has gone unnoticed and unchecked until now.

The USDA says that it has addressed the problems, but we know that isn’t the case and that the facility must be closed!

We need your immediate help.

Please donate today to help IDA fight to close this despicable facility.

Thank you for whatever you can do, today!