Someone Heartlessly Dumped 9 Puppies

Someone Heartlessly Dumped 9 Puppies


Earlier this month, Sharon Stone, Operations Manager of In Defense of Animals’ Hope Animal Sanctuary in Grenada, Mississippi took a call asking for help. Someone had dumped nine puppies at a local church! It had been raining and these tiny babies were all wet and cold. The kind caller had carried them home with her and contacted us for help. Staff at Hope Animal Sanctuary made arrangements to get the pups immediately.

When we arrived, we dried them off and placed them in a crate with a warm blanket before rushing back to the sanctuary where every single one got a much needed bath, and worming medication. Then we transferred them to a nice warm room with softened puppy food.

The pups seem to be only 4-5 weeks old, and far too young to be away from their mom. Incidents like this are deeply disappointing, but we constantly work to educate people on the benefits of spaying and neutering. Seeing tiny babies thrown away strengthens our resolve that we need to continue to spread that message!

Please remind your friends and family to spay and neuter their animal companions.