Tell Jerry Brown To Sign Orca Protection Act!

Tell Jerry Brown To Sign Orca Protection Act!

The California Orca Protection Act is on its way to Governor Jerry Brown’s office, and he needs your encouragement to sign the bill!

The act would ensure that no facility in California could ever breed an orca again. Earlier this year, SeaWorld pledged to stop its breeding program in light of public opposition – but this bill would legally prevent SeaWorld from going back on its word, which it could otherwise do at its discretion.

Despite receiving what SeaWorld claims as being the highest quality food and medical attention, its captives still die at early ages when compared with their wild counterparts. Films like Blackfish and lists like In Defense of Animals’ Ten Worst Tanks help to illustrate the plight of these long-lived and highly intelligent and social beings, making captivity an unacceptable form of entertainment for a growing number of people.

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