There’s More to This Than Meets the Eye...

There’s More to This Than Meets the Eye...


See three ways you can help at the end of this post.

When we see footage of animal abuse from a factory farm or slaughterhouse, our initial reactions can range from, “How could they do this?’’ to ‘’I hate humans!’’ Do you ever wonder what caused these humans to become so mindlessly cruel?

A large percentage of slaughterhouse workers are vulnerable migrants who are forced to work in foul and unsafe conditions, and to endure heinous acts of cruelty and sexual abuse., Many are constantly threatened with the loss of their visas and jobs if they report these abuses. Did you know that slaughterhouse workers are often denied bathroom breaks and are forced to urinate or excrete on themselves because their supervisor won’t slow the line speed down?

Many slaughterhouse workers are desperately trying to earn enough money to create a better life for themselves and their families. What they endure on a daily basis is absolutely disgusting and, unfortunately, very common. Read this extensive investigation and study by Human Rights Watch.

What is the root cause of animal abuse? If we dig deeper and ask ourselves this question, the answer can change human attitudes and behaviors at large. When humans are regularly abused, exposed to trauma, or are active participants in inflicting trauma due to their jobs, they can become numb to hurting others. Their perception of moral compassion and empathy becomes distorted.

What happens next? The victim may in turn become a perpetrator of similar abuse towards colleagues, friends, loved ones, children, and animal companions. As this cycle of violence spreads and becomes the norm, it impacts the entire community, and affects the society at large.

Factory farming and slaughterhouse industries thrive due to a vulnerable migrant work force, Ag gag/privacy laws and rural isolation enable and hide a world of abuse. American counties with slaughterhouses have four times the national average of violent arrest, with significantly higher rates of alcoholism, domestic abuse, child abuse and suicide.

Let’s expose industry abuse towards both humans and animals. No more free rides for predatory employers and industries that demand total privacy while their everyday operations violate human and animal rights. The time has come to break the cycle of industrialized human and animal abuse.

What can you do?

Three ways you can help:

1. Expand your circle of compassion to include slaughterhouse workers. Animal and human rights are linked at their core. By empathizing with suffering humans as well as suffering animals, we can increase the impact of our animal advocacy. When we channel our hatred of animal abuse towards employees who are in essence a reflection of our society’s values, onlookers may use our hatred as an excuse to disregard our animal advocacy.

2. Educate others about the link between animal rights and human rights. Try a different approach with your friends and family who haven’t yet made the connection by bringing human rights into the debate. Show them the investigation by the Human Rights Watch. Human suffering might be easier for friends and family to relate to as they expand their circle of compassion to include other species. Slaughterhouses and factory farms abuse humans as well as animals.

3. Lead by example: Go vegan! You can make a significant difference by not funding cruel industries: don’t buy meat, dairy, or clothing made from animal products. Going vegan is easier than you think! If you need help, download our electronic Free Vegan Starter Kit and call one of our mentors at 1(800) 705-0425 or email

IDA is proud to announce our new support project for slaughterhouse and factory farm workers to address these issues. This project will connect underprivileged workers in animal agriculture (within factory farms and meat-processing factories) with essential services and information such as: access to affordable health care, information on their basic work rights, legal representation, alternative career education/training services, anonymous avenues to report animal abuse, and emotional support. Stay tuned for details! To support this project and our ongoing efforts, please click here.

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Vegan Company Under Attack