USDA Rejects Its Own Advisory Committee

USDA Rejects Its Own Advisory Committee


Don’t Let Another Five Years of Dietary Guideline Negligence Go Unchallenged

Earlier this month, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) officially rejected recommendations by their own advisory committee (and your letters of support back in April) to make environmental health a component of overall health for the 2015 USDA dietary guidelines.

That alone is with tragic consequences, as the environmental impact of eating animal products is staggering and dwarfs all other human activities by comparison. Now, the new question is whether they will dare to ignore recommendations by the World Health Organization as well.

Earlier this week, the World Health Organization released a highly significant report which ranked processed meats alongside cigarettes in regard to their carcinogenic threat to human health.

Right now, the USDA & HHS are still in the process of drafting the updates for the 2015 US Dietary Guidelines which are due to be released by the end of this year.

Isn’t it entirely reasonable that U.S. official dietary guidelines reflect large and significant findings by the World Health Organization?

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