USDA Sentences Queenie to the San Antonio Zoo

USDA Sentences Queenie to the San Antonio Zoo

The PAWS Asian habitat, where Queenie could have roamed free

The PAWS Asian habitat, where Queenie could have roamed free

IDA has just learned that an agreement has been signed between Will Davenport and the USDA, in which Davenport has agreed to turn Queenie over to the San Antonio Zoo as part of a settlement with the agency regarding charges against him for multiple violations of the Animal Welfare Act. The agency gave Davenport no other choice but the zoo.

Months ago, the PAWS sanctuary sent the USDA a formal offer to provide Queenie with a lifetime home, where she could wander a 40-acre Asian elephant habitat in the company of other elephants. Instead, the USDA made Queenie’s transfer to the San Antonio Zoo a condition the settlement with Davenport. If he did not agree to their terms, he faced significant fines and possibly jail time.

San Antonio Zoo, which has chosen to keep its current elephant Lucky alone for more than three years rather than find a better home for her, has less than a half acre of space, which is not sufficient for one elephant, much less two. And the Zoo has no long-term plans to hold Asian elephants, having stated that it will ship them off as soon as they complete a planned African exhibit for African elephants. Further, Lucky is known to have been aggressive toward her former cage-mate Alport, making introductions in the Zoo’s tiny elephant display dangerous for the elephants. Queenie has displayed similar tendencies, making them a poor match.

You will remember that WIll Davenport’s elephants, Tina and Jewel, were taken from him in August 2009 after years of ongoing and repeated violations of veterinary care and safe handling requirements. Reportedly because of grave concerns over Jewel’s apparently fragile health status, they were taken to the San Diego Zoo where they were provided with needed veterinary care. Although IDA would have preferred that the elephants be retired to one of the two natural-habitat sanctuaries in the country, we were pleased that Tina and Jewel were getting the specialized care they needed for recovery.

San Antonio Zoo enclosure - not fit for one elephant, much less two

San Antonio Zoo enclosure - not fit for one elephant, much less two

At that time, Davenport surrendered his USDA license to exhibit animals, but he kept Queenie, who has been held on his Leggett, TX., property ever since. IDA has been working to get her situation investigated by a law enforcement authority.

What you can do to help

Call Secretary Vilsack today at (202) 720 – 3631

Tell him that his agency ignored the better choice for Queenie. Tell him he MUST remedy this terrible decision now.

This blog was contributed by Deborah Robinson, IDA’s Captive Elephant Specialist.