Who am I?

Who am I?


Who am I?

-People don’t easily relate to me…

-I have excellent senses of sight, touch, taste and possess a good sense of smell and ‘hearing’…

-I’m not a mammal or a bird, but I feel pleasure, pain and suffer stress just the same….

-My various species exists in all different colors and sizes…

-I have an individual personality, just like your companion cats and dogs at home….

-I can recognize human faces…

-I am completely exempt from cruelty provisions of animal welfare legislation….

-I’m often skinned alive and cut into pieces while fully conscious…

-I don’t have vocal cords to scream…

Who am I?

(Scroll down for the answer, but try to guess first!)

















I’m a fish!

The best thing we can do to remove our support from the cruel and environmentally damaging fishing industry is to leave fish off our plates. Download our free Veg Guide today for delicious alternatives and quick meal ideas.

Worried about Omega 3?

There are healthier plant based sources of omega-3 fatty acids, especially chia, flax and hemp seeds, beans, pumpkin, berries and more! These plant foods provide health-promoting fiber and antioxidants, and they don’t contain the toxic heavy metals and carcinogens found in fish flesh!

It is always best to get your nutrients from food first.  But, if you are worried that you aren’t getting enough Omega 3, you can use supplements as well.