WATCH: Activists Protest Against Animal Cruelty at Pomona’s Reptile Super Show

WATCH: Activists Protest Against Animal Cruelty at Pomona’s Reptile Super Show

On January 11, 2025, we took a stand against the Reptile Super Show in Pomona, California, an event that profits from the suffering of reptiles, amphibians, and other wild animals by selling them as commodities. Animals at this expo were crammed into restrictive plastic tubs and cages, treated as merchandise rather than sentient beings with complex needs.

The wildlife trade is devastating for animals—not just at events like this but throughout the entire industry. Reptiles sold at expos endure extreme stress, unnatural conditions, malnutrition, and preventable health issues that often lead to premature death. Many of these animals are captured from the wild or bred in conditions that ignore their fundamental physical and behavioral needs.

Even the most advanced artificial enclosures cannot replicate the expansive, dynamic ecosystems these animals require. Yet, the exotic pet trade continues to fuel animal suffering, depleting native populations and pushing some species toward extinction.

Furthermore, the captive animal industry is deeply connected to illegal wildlife trafficking, posing risks not only to biodiversity but also to public health. The global trade in wild animals has been linked to zoonotic disease outbreaks, endangering both humans and other species.

At the protest, advocates distributed 250 flyers to educate attendees about the realities of the pet trade and provide resources for adopting reptiles in need through local rescues in Southern California. We worked alongside People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, Los Angeles Animal Save, Animal Alliance Network, Los Angeles Animal Defense League, and other local activists to spread awareness and demand an end to these cruel expos.

Through our action alert, we are calling on the Pomona Fairplex to stop hosting events that profit from animal suffering and urging the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors to implement a ban on captive animal expos countywide.

The sale of reptiles and other animals at these events must end. The exotic pet trade disrupts ecosystems, spreads disease, and leads to immense cruelty when animals are abandoned or die from inadequate care.

Thinking of bringing a reptile into your home? Instead of buying from breeders or expos, adopt one of the many abandoned reptiles waiting for a second chance in shelters and rescues. Research their care needs and ensure you can meet their complex requirements for a lifetime commitment.

Take action now to help stop cruel captive animal expos.