MEDIA RELEASE: Activists Rally to Free Spur the Tortoise From Cruel and Illegal Pet Store
CHICAGO (Sept. 23, 2022) — In Defense of Animals and Chicago Alliance for Animals hosted two demonstrations on Tuesday, September 20, to call for the release of Spur the African Sulcata tortoise from The Animal Store in Lincolnwood where she’s been languishing for decades in a tiny tiled display case. Advocates also called on the Lincolnwood Village trustees to enforce its own law banning the sale of naturally wild animals, such as opossums, sugar gliders, and squirrels.
Watch the video:
The day of action to ban wild animal sales and free Spur was prompted by alarming concerns that have been raised and documented about her welfare by members of the public. She has been kept on display in an extremely inhumane and inappropriate enclosure at this store for 30 years, and denied the opportunity to engage in natural behaviors.
Activists protested in front of The Animal Store and then protested outside Lincolnwood Village’s board meeting to encourage officials to send Spur to sanctuary, and enforce their own law banning the sale of naturally wild animals. The Animal Store currently sells a number of species of wild animals, including opossums, squirrels, fennec foxes, sugar gliders and degus.
Over 15,000 In Defense of Animals supporters have already written to decision makers urging them to enforce their laws and free Spur.
“Spur the African Sulcata tortoise has been confined and held on display in a tiny tiled enclosure for 30 years at The Animal Store in Lincolnwood. It is heartbreaking watching her trying to escape. Spur deserves to roam outside in the sunshine and fresh air. The Animal Store is violating a law that is not being enforced by selling animals who should be living in the wild, instead of confined to cages and tanks. It’s past time for Lincolnwood officials to enforce their own law protecting these animals from confinement and exploitation, and send Spur to sanctuary,” said Brittany Michelson, Captive Animals Campaigner for In Defense of Animals.
### NOTES ###
In Defense of Animals, Brittany Michelson,, 928-420-0727
Chicago Alliance for Animals, Jodie Wiederkehr,, 773-726-0589
In Defense of Animals is an international animal protection organization based in Marin County, California, with over 250,000 supporters and a 39-year history of fighting for animals, people, and the environment through education and campaigns, as well as hands-on rescue facilities in India, South Korea, and rural Mississippi.
Chicago Alliance for Animals (CAA) is a mostly volunteer, grassroots organization that banned horse carriages in Chicago in 2020, shut down Chicago's puppy mill stores in 2021 and so much more. CAA started the Free Rocky and Free Spur campaigns.
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