39 Days of Rescue - Stevie

39 Days of Rescue - Stevie

I’m Stevie!

When I was just a puppy, I was rescued by the kind people at In Defense of Animals. When they found me, I was living in a burned out apartment building with my mom and two of my siblings. At first there were five of us living there, but two of us did not make it out when the fire started.  It was pretty bad in there, and the fire burned just about everything, but we had nowhere else to live.

One day a woman from In Defense of Animals came and said we would not be staying there. Mom was so happy and that made us feel good!  We took a long ride in a car (that was scary and exciting since we had never been in a car) and finally she said, “We are here.”  We were at In Defense of Animals’ Hope Animal Sanctuary where we had a clean house with soft beds and big bowls of food and water.  We had never seen so much food!

After a few weeks,  they told us we were going home.  Hey, we thought we already were home but they explained that we each had our own home waiting for us.  This time we took a real long ride to the “northeast.”  When we arrived there, families were waiting for us and our mom too.  Some of them even cried because they were so happy to see us. My family and I hope you will donate today to In Defense of Animals so that others who need help will be as lucky as we were!

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39 Days of Rescue - Ireland