Balancing Your Activism

Balancing Your Activism


IDA’s fifth Sustainable Activism Tip comes from Peace to All Beings author and co-founder of the Circle of Compassion, Judy Carman, who encourages activists to restore inner peace after witnessing animal suffering. Judy suggests laughing and connecting with happy animals as effective antidotes to our constant exposure to animal cruelty. She recommends playing with companion animals and watching tadpoles in a pond as ways to find emotional and spiritual balance, reminding us of the compassionate world we are in the process of creating.

Thanks to long-time activist Judy Carman for sharing her favorite ways to find balance while continuing her animal rights activities. We hope you’re enjoying our weekly Sustainable Activism Tips!

Watch the video here.

For self-care tips and other resources, contact IDA’s Animal Activist Helpline.

For information about IDA’s Sustainable Activism Campaign, please visit: