Camo’s Chains Have Been Broken - Thanks to You!

Camo’s Chains Have Been Broken - Thanks to You!

We are overjoyed to announce that on the morning of March 7, Judge Michael Joyner made the decision we were all hoping for regarding the abused and chained dog, Camo. He ruled in Camo’s favor and said in court that he received close to 10,000 emails from In Defense of Animals supporters around the world as well as many others when they were called upon to help this sweet and tormented boy!

Judge Joyner noted this mountain of emails he received from animal advocates! Not surprisingly, Camo’s former “guardian” didn't show up for the court date, so this means there is a warrant out for the arrest of the callous perpetrator.

What has been amazing is how so many compassionate people came together for the good of just one dog in need. It takes dedicated advocates to put forth this kind of effort. Between the people on the ground, Harold Johnson and Lindsay Ellis, to the other motivated supporters, including our own and those from Animal SOS and Chain Free Dogs Columbus Ga, Camo’s life is forever changed.

Camo is now safe and happy, and he is being adopted by none other than his hero, Harold, who came to his rescue! He is well loved and on his way to a brighter future with his new guardian who already boasts of spoiling him rotten!

We wish Camo all the best! Now let’s get the rest of the dogs who are on chains freed.
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