Demand Justice for Chained Dog Who Died After Hanging for Three Days!

Demand Justice for Chained Dog Who Died After Hanging for Three Days!

This alert is no longer active, but here for reference. Animals still need your help.

Tethering dogs is becoming more and more socially unacceptable, and in many places it's even illegal. However, there are still people who leave their dogs tied, and the outcome can prove to be deadly. In this case in Texas, a neglected dog who was tethered became severely entangled and was left hanging by one leg without food, water or shelter for at least three days and he died as a result. His abusers have been arrested, and we're calling for justice on his behalf.

This dog got one of his back legs tangled in the tether and was left suspended, without being able to move. He was discovered by a Comcast employee who was working at a neighbor's house. He tried to intervene to help the dog, but the dog was understandably frightened, and became aggressive. He alerted authorities, but by the time they arrived, the dog had died.

On July 10, the dog's incredibly negligent guardians, Juan Javier Lopez, his wife Maria and son Alejandro, were arrested by the Fort Bend County Precinct 3 Constable's Office. When they were questioned, they admitted they hadn't fed the dog, or checked on him in three days!


When contacted, Fort Bend's Executive Assistant District Attorney Wesley Wittig expressed frustration about the case, citing a need for tougher animal cruelty laws.

Each family member was charged with one count of misdemeanor cruelty, which comes with a fine of up to $4,000 and up to a year in jail.

This alert is no longer active, but here for reference. Animals still need your help.