The Role of Mindfulness in Treating Food Addiction

The Role of Mindfulness in Treating Food Addiction

At the most recent Carnivores Anonymous meeting in Los Angeles, Dr. Marilyn shared her insights regarding the psychology of dealing with food addiction and other self-destructive behaviors. We also hosted as our featured speaker the celebrated animal rights media host Jane Velez-Mitchell, who shared the heartwarming story of her parents who were thinking and behaving ahead of their time by shunning most meat products.

Dr. Marilyn gave us handy tips on releasing our old habits so we can start new lives in which we feel empowered to be our best selves. She shared a proven technique for dealing with the temptation to, for instance, eat foods that are not healthy for us or in line with our personal ethics. It involves setting an intention of what we want to accomplish, identifying our self-defeating behaviors, recognizing the pain caused when we resist engaging in those old behaviors, and practicing being non-judgmentally aware of those sensations and then releasing them so we can move forward in our lives.

Listen to Jane’s story recorded for JaneUnchained's Facebook Live

Want to check out Carnivores Anonymous for yourself? On July 23, vegan community organizer extraordinaire Gwenna Hunter will be our speaker, sharing from her experience connecting vegans and non-vegans through fun social events in the greater LA area. RSVP here.