Meet the Yulin Dog Meat Festival’s Less Known Victims - Cats

Meet the Yulin Dog Meat Festival’s Less Known Victims - Cats

Meet the Yulin Dog Meat Festival’s Less Known Victims - Cats

We sent out an alert recently urging our supporters to contact the Chinese Ambassador to take action against the Yulin Dog Meat Festival and to pass animal welfare laws in China. Even though the Festival is called Yulin Lychee and Dog Meat Festival, there are other victims subjected to the same horrific fate that are often not mentioned, cats. We can agree and acknowledge that stopping the Festival would also mean cats would be saved too.

Some sources say thousands of cats were slaughtered in previous Yulin Festivals, but the actual number is unknown due to unreliable sources. However, according to reliable data surveys, cat consumption is less than 2% compared to dog consumption of 20% in China.

We hope China listens to its citizens and pass animal welfare laws protecting all animals against cruelty along with a ban on dog and cat meat slaughter and consumption.