A Rare Success for Elephant Conservation in Central Africa

A Rare Success for Elephant Conservation in Central Africa

It is with great pleasure that we can report on a positive change for elephant populations and habitats. Zakouma National Park in Chad, once the place of horrific civil and environmental violence, is now recognized as an increasingly shining beacon for elephants and other wild animals.

In Central Africa, the elephants in Zakouma National Park in Chad were almost poached to oblivion — as in 90 percent of the Park’s population. But African Parks Network, through a working relationship with the government of Chad, has turned this situation around and created one of the most notable recovery stories for elephants in recent history. 

Currently, the elephants in Zakouma are protected and their numbers are increasing.  We can’t undo the damage that was done to their families, cultures, and psyches – but it appears that the survivors now have a real chance to thrive. Zakouma serves as another — and much needed — model that may help to save the imperiled elephants in so many other regions throughout Africa.

Zakouma National Park is one of the last remaining ecosystems of its kind in Africa and the revival of this habitat and the populations of elephants and other wild animals is worthy to note, especially in a region and a time in which successes are so rare.

To learn more about this unique situation read this article.

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