Victory! Disney Cancels Development of Live-Action Rodeo Film

Victory! Disney Cancels Development of Live-Action Rodeo Film

In May we asked you to join us in calling on Disney to cancel production on a live-action film based on the book Aloha Rodeo, which follows three Hawaiian cowboys who in 1908 traveled to Wyoming to compete in a steer roping competition at what is still one of the most brutal and deadly rodeos in the world. Your response was overwhelming, and we are thrilled to announce that Disney has confirmed to us that this project has been canceled.  

The activity at the center of Aloha Rodeo is steer roping. This event can result in serious injuries and deaths. In fact, it’s considered so cruel and dangerous that it's been banned in several states. 

In canceling production on this film, Disney has made the right decision. As a result, we have been spared a film that would have glorified this inherently violent industry, which encourages adults and children to harm animals for fun and inflicts lethal injuries on bulls for entertainment.

As many of us realize, Disney has an enormous influence over our culture, and it has the potential to do immense good. It would be impossible to overstate the positive impact for animals that films such as Bambi and Black Beauty have had on our society. This decision to cancel the Aloha Rodeo project is another milestone in Disney’s history of animal advocacy. 

Over 13,000 compassionate In Defense of Animals supporters signed our alert to Disney… and it worked! We are very grateful for your actions on behalf of the steers and horses who would have suffered tremendous cruelty to make this film and the animals who would have been harmed for decades longer as a result of the legacy of the film. Please consider supporting us to end all animal abuse for entertainment by making a donation.

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