Tell Congress to Stop Funneling Money into Factory Farms

Tell Congress to Stop Funneling Money into Factory Farms

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Right now, a bill is being drafted that will shape the entire U.S. food system for the next five years - the 2018 Farm Bill. Traditionally, mega factory farms and cheap junk food companies have been the major beneficiaries of these bills, with the current Farm Bill placing 99% of subsidies either directly or indirectly into meat, dairy, and high fructose corn syrup — and less than 1% to fruits and vegetables. In fact, the government's term for fruits and vegetables is “specialty crops,” which speaks volumes about its food production priorities. Don’t let your tax dollars be funneled into industries that exploit billions of farmed animals while simultaneously poisoning our long-term health and the environment!

The current farm bill also contains programs such as the “Dairy Product Donation Program” which legally mandates the USDA to “procure and distribute to low-income groups, certain dairy products” when profit margin falls below a certain amount for two consecutive months. In other words, the government is legally required to bail out the dairy industry when consumers demand less of its products. It’s programs like these that squander millions of our tax dollars, such as the USDA’s 20-million-dollar purchase of surplus cheese last year.

We need to speak up right now while we have this opportunity!

What You Can Do

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