Virgin Airlines: Let’s Propel Branson’s Vision of a Slaughter Free Future!

Virgin Airlines: Let’s Propel Branson’s Vision of a Slaughter Free Future!

Virgin Group billionaire Richard Branson recently told Bloomberg News that slaughtering animals for food will fade away into our history books.

“I believe that in 30 years or so we will no longer need to kill any animals and that all meat will either be clean or plant-based, taste the same, and also be much healthier for everyone.” Branson said.

Now is the time to call on Branson to stand by his vision, and use his influence to transition Virgin Airlines into serving plant-based meals as its default option on all flights!

The animals and the environment have already suffered in the hands of factory farming and slaughterhouses for decades. Why wait 30 years when we have the potential to start making powerful changes to help alleviate suffering right now?

As an environmentally conscious company with a strong track record of promoting environmental sustainability, Virgin Airlines is ideally placed to lead the industry in a transition to plant-based meals.

The time has never been better to call on Virgin Airlines to go meat-free. If you haven't already taken action, please do so here.

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