Governor Jerry Brown: Save Shelter Dogs, Cats, & Rabbits

Governor Jerry Brown: Save Shelter Dogs, Cats, & Rabbits

This alert is no longer active, but here for reference. Read our victory blog here.

With an astounding vote, 38 to 0, the California Senate has officially passed the Pet Rescue and Adoption Act — AB 485! We appreciate so much all our California supporters who took action and helped to push this through the Senate! Although this is fantastic news, there is one more step that needs to take place in order for this bill to be enacted: California Governor, Jerry Brown, has AB 485 on his desk, and it needs to be signed.

Please take action TODAY, and urge Jerry Brown to sign AB 485 into law.

As you are already aware, puppy mills are overcrowded, unsanitary, commercial mass-breeding facilities. Although the Federal Animal Welfare Act is in place to regulate and inspect breeding facilities, the standards set by law are extremely minimal. These perfectly legal, yet appallingly inhumane conditions have inspired 33 cities and counties in California to ban the retail sale of puppy mill dogs and cats in their local pet stores. Enacting AB 485 will require pet stores to obtain their animals from shelters and rescues, in turn giving homeless animals the second chance they all deserve.

This will not only be a major victory for animals, but it will also alleviate pressure on county budgets and California taxpayers. Currently, California taxpayers contribute $250 million each year to support city and county animal shelters, while puppy mills continuously breed animals for profit. This is an outrage, and quite frankly, has been going on for far too long! It is vital that you contact California Governor, Jerry Brown, and urge him to pass AB 485! 

What YOU Can Do: 

This alert is no longer active, but here for reference. Read our victory blog here.

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